Just a few years ago when the grandkids were younger we often got together, but now everyone is involved with their own activities. I miss getting together as often but am pleased to see the kids developing into their own persons. This blog has a bit of follow up and a bit of life moving on. A week or so ago Dennis Lindseth’s twin sister Denise, who lives in Fargo, ND, flew here to spend time with us. It had been nearly 50 years since she was last here and it was great seeing her again. I enjoyed visiting with Denise and Dennis’s friend Brenda. I don’t often have other women with common interests to visit with so spending time with them was a treat.

A bit of follow up on Jeannette and Sophie’s Montana trip shows some excitement. Besides Sophie having some great photo ops she also had the opportunity to change a flat tire on the truck.

I am proud of Sam. I mentioned earlier that Sam is learning how to weld. He has now spent time teaching his friend Jack to weld as well. Sam helps around the farm more now that he is older. He has upgraded his 3D printer and recently made a mask for their cat Button. Poor Button, I wonder how she likes her mask.

I was recently invited to attend the neighbors apple cider pressing event. It was good to check in with neighbors and see how they are doing and to press a few apples in the process. The best part was coming home with two gallons of fresh apple cider. Thank you Keith and Marnie for inviting me to attend your cider event again this year. I had a great time.

Marnie Robinson, a hard worker, in front of one of her beautiful flower gardens.
I am very fortunate in that I have great neighbors and I am sincere in saying that. I am not the most sociable person in the neighborhood, yet I always enjoy seeing my neighbors and sharing a short visit. I am probably the recluse of the group.
I still very much enjoy visiting Rosemary on Tuesdays. We have coffee and a snack and then play Cribbage. I am sad to say Rosemary took a tumble in the backyard and blackened her eye. She is a trooper and laughed it off. That did not happen when I was there but blackeye or not, she generally shows me who is boss of the Cribbage board.

Teagan is playing soccer again this year and her team is doing well. I have been attending the home games.

Heather and Latah, along with a friend and her daughter, just returned from spending a week in Guatemala. They had a wonderful time. I will share a bit of their story in my next entry.