I have been living in this house for 25 years so decided it was time to scrub my kitchen cabinets and re-stain them. I finally got busy and got that done. I also did the hutch Jason made for me when he was taking high school wood shop. It feels great having that project behind me. While at it I cleaned the entire wood floors which were badly in need of it, however, I did not re-stain them. At some point they will need to be sanded and re-stained but not until the kids are grown and quit roller bladding around the house. Now I have started cleaning the insides of the cabinets, although I did those two years ago.
Thinking of yard work the plants inside the house are looking a little sickly in need of more sunlight. With the help of Teach and Wolina I repotted one of the bathroom plants and added a few cuttings. I also cut off those root runners that some plants produce.
Lent starts this week. As a last hurrah I cooked up a batch of old fashion Christmas fudge, which I have already nearly consumed, and purchased a couple crabs as a special treat before the Lenten crunch.
I am also catching up on mending and sewing projects. I am proud of myself as my sewing machine was messed up. Deb clued me in that a Singer machine needs its own kind of bobbin. However, the tension was off or something. Finally, I spent proper time with google and have the machine running tip top. I recovered a few pillows and put a new cover on my microwave heating pad as the old one had burn spots on it from over heating. I have been doing a bit of hand mending as well.
I am getting creative with my cat forts. Making one on the stairway peaked their interest. The cats really enjoyed it and played in there off and on one entire day.
Speaking of being creative, Sophie made a night lamp for her sleeping spot that is a cubby area in her bedroom. Good job Sophie. I truly love you new lamp.
Well, enough of that. I do enjoy a good “Getter Done Day” as I am pretty much a puttering kind of person. However, it will take a lot more of those kind of days before I am caught up on things around here. Have a Blessed Lent everyone. Take these special 40 precious days seriously.