Congratulations to Sophie who was confirmed last Sunday. Sophie’s family attend St Mary’s parish in Vernonia, Oregon. St Mary’s is a small parish with only three students getting confirmed this year. For Confirmation, however, Sophie and the other two girls joined St Anthony Parish in Tigard, Oregon. St Anthony serves the Vietnamese community and they had over 90 young people being confirmed. It was quite impressive with nearly 100 students. I am Sophie’s sponsor so attend, of course, as did her family including Paul and Carolyn Anderson, Sophie’s Nanna and Papa. The Sacrament was administered at 7:00 evening Mass. We had to be there at 5:45 for practice. Jason and Jeannette treated us all to a delicious dinner around four thirty. Everyone seemed to go for a breakfast meal but I went for a turkey dinner. Thank you Jason and Jeannette for the great treat.
I was pleased with the Bishop who, although quite elderly, took the time to make a personal comment to each individual.
As always, there is plenty going on at Pebble Creek. First thing, I noticed a beautiful table runner Jeannette’s mom Carolyn had made. Carolyn is an amazing seamstress. As usual, Sam has a number of projects going. I especially like his club house.
I enjoy checking out Sam’s club house to see what the newest additions are. The latest is a roofed area to keep a dry spot underneath.
I liked the ladder Sam made to get to the top of his club house. However, I didn’t try it out.
The Lindseth’s garden, which had to be rebuild after the septic system replacement, is coming along nicely.
Another project the Lindseth’s are happy to have behind them is the removal of 4 huge trees. One was located right beside the house and the other three were in the corner of the SW pasture. The trees are now down but the work just begins with clean up and wood cutting.
Removing this tree opens up the backyard for space and sunshine.
It is amazing how fast trees will grow eventually filling in pasture space. As a result they need to be removed from time to time.
Jason has made a most convenient box for camp cooking which I will share in my next entry. Before closing this entry however, here are a few photos of Latah dressed for her end of the year school music program and Teagan dress for an end of the year school dance.