August is pretty much County Fair Season. Until this summer it has been about thirty years since I have attend a fair. Sophie and Sam have entered their 4-H pigs in Washington County Fair in Oregon for a number of years now but I have not gone to see them. The last couple years there were extreme hot temperatures during fair time. This year the weather was perfect so away I went to spend the night with the Lindseths and attend the fair with them the following day. Jeannette’s parents Paul and Carolyn Anderson go every year and enjoy it. Sam’s and Sophie’s pigs had already been at the fair for nearly a week before showing, judging, and auction day, which was the day I joined the event.

Before taking the pigs to the fair they needed to be weighed. Sam’s pig, Hamilton, and Sophie pig, Chicken, were both the proper weight. Last year the Lindseth pigs were under weight but not so this year.

Before the animals are auctioned to the top bidder everyone is judged, including the animals themselves and then their handlers. Jason and I arrived after all that was accomplished but the kids were happy to show us their ribbons. While Sophie and Sam were busy getting their animals ready for auction us adults finished our meals and went about enjoying the fair activities. The auction takes place in the cool of the afternoon into the evening.

We bought fair food for dinner which was fun as there was lots to choose from.
BMX teams put on a show of amazing feats on their bikes.
We visited the animal barns with these little piglets being my favorites.

While Jeannette helped Sam and Sophie get ready for auction Jason and I walked the fairgrounds visiting the exhibit halls. Paul and Carolyn head to the auction center to find a good resting and viewing place.

Sheep, goats, turkeys, chickens, pigs, and then steers were auctioned in that order. The auction is fun to watch as the handlers work to keep their animals moving in the arena for prospective buyers to make their choice. The auctioneer did a great job making the kids feel comfortable and keeping the event light hearted and often funny. All the 4-H and FFA kids did great selling their animals and went home making their hard work of the last year worth while.

It was a hard work week. The kids had to be at the barns every day all week to care for their animals and to keep the barns clean.

By the end everyone has had enough but look forward to the fair experience next year.

We’re up Hamilton, lets move.
Our turn Chicken, let’s show them your stuff.

Sam looks for the people who purchased his pig.
Making his way up the bleachers Sam presents a thank you gift of a card and home made jam to his supporters.

This was another successful year at the fair and I am so pleased I finally attend and joined in the family fun of it. Jason’s family have been to a number of fairs this summer to attend rodeos. Jason is interested in photography and is basically a landscape artist but had decided to move out of his comfort zone and try his hand at action photography. What better place to start than at a rodeo if you want action. Below is a video and four of his rodeo shots that I think are exceptional, especially for a beginner in the action field. Jason publishes videos of his photo adventures which he shares with the ladies of his life, Jeannette and Sophie. Sam, at this point has no interest in it so does his own thing.

Check out some of Jason’s videos at “Average Guy Photography,” on Youtube.He has a series of videos out there. Be sure to check below the videos if you like them or not.