Often in life we live for the big events, weddings, new babies arriving, confirmations, milestone birthdays, new jobs, big trips, and so forth. Most of our lives, however, are filled with incidentals. This blog entry is a random showing of everyday kinds of things that occurred this summer for various people I know or myself. The featured image, for example, is of my granddaughters who spent the summer on the east coast and went swimming somewhere nearly every day.

Teagan and Latah spent the summer with family in Boston and Vermont attending camps and enjoying their cousin Saben. Latah kept us posted and they went swimming so much Latah and I had an on going joke about her turning into a fish.

Teagan and Latah had an amazing summer attending numerous camps, eating out, visiting the city, trying new things, hanging out with family and best of all, fires on the beach. Their last days were spent at Cape Cod where they go every summer. As I work on this blog entry they are in the air on a flight home to Portland airport.

Jason’s family have had a busy summer working on projects and heading out to wild places exploring, or on photo shoots. Sophie refinished my wooden bench for me and did a great job. Sam spent some of his 4-H money on a 3D printer so is learning about his new purchase. Jason and Jeannette sneaked off for some time for themselves to celebrate their anniversary.

We experienced a week or so of extreme heat off and on during the summer but for the most part we had comfortable weather. At one point, during the heat, Jason’s gang drove into the mountains and backpacked into one of the lakes where it was cooler.

Last week Rosemary’s three sons were home to celebrate her birthday so it was party time and I was invited. These guys live in Vancouver, WA, Los Vegas, and the Seattle area. I was pleased to be included and had a great time. Happy Birthday Rosemary!

In recent years my brother Dennis has been losing normal mobility in his legs. He now gets around on his new set of wheels. My sister Deb and her husband Rex are presently enjoying Theadore Roosevelt National Park near Medora, ND. They sent a beautiful photo of the super moon over the badlands.

I text my brother Mike who lives in Wisconsin with his wife Mary. He informed me the highlights of his summer were a visit from our niece Sheila who lives with her husband and two sons in Idaho and later a visit from our nephew Jeremy who lives in Vancouver, WA. and was passing through the area. He informed me Sheila was a delight as was a fishing adventure the Baenen men enjoyed together.

Grandson Jaden, nephew Jeremy, son Ben, and Mike

Mike is one of the most social people I know. Where I tend to be a hermit, Mike loves gatherings, the more the merrier.
I very much enjoyed my trip with Sophie to Idaho to celebrate Teresa’s 60th birthday party and I loved the train trip to North Dakota to spend time with my family. The rest of my summer has been pleasant and satisfying. For the most part we have had a beautiful, moderate, summer with only a few extremely hot days. It has been a summer of getting caught up on a few chores. I purchased a new lawn mower, blower, and trimmer to make my work easier.

Now, Taylor has gathered Teagan and Latah from the airport and they are home safe. Yeah !!