Not long ago Dennis Lindseth looked out his window and saw the biggest bear he has ever seen next to his shop taking apples, limbs and all, off the tree. Local forest rangers warned that because of the heat and dry conditions critters are coming down from the hills looking for food so people need to stay alert. Before I get into the miscellaneous of our lives, however, a rather important event just took place in the Wanzek clan of our family. My great nephew Colyn Haugen got married a few days ago. Colyn is my niece Lynn’s and her husband Steve’s youngest son.
I want to share a couple miscellaneous videos recently taken. The week before school started Teagan and Latah mostly stayed with us. During that time Taylor took them to Trout Lake on a couple occasions to enjoy the water. Also my sister Deb and her husband Rex are in Yellowstone and captured a bull bison defending his territory, not something seen next to the road very often.
When Latah was visiting family on the east coast she decide she wanted a desk for her room at home. One day a box arrived at my house which was that desk. It needed to be assembled so I took it to Dennis and he put it together. When Latah returned home we picked out an office chair she liked and ordered it. For my part I assembled it for her and tada, Latah is now all set up.
Thank you Grandpa for assembling Latah’s desk.
Nicely done, Latah, your study area looks great !
When the girls are at my house after school their shoes, coats, and backpacks wind up on the floor clogging the hallway. I decided to put 6 hooks on the garage wall to eliminate that situation. I enjoyed the project never having done that kind of work before. Once the studs were found in the walls I went to work. I am pleased with the outcome and the girls are good about putting their things there.
Taylor works a lot with carpentry as he is building a tree house. Latah decided to do a project of her own so she started sawing and pounding with scraps of wood she found laying around. Before long, with my guidance, she was using the drill and power saw to simplify her work. When completed I will share her project.
I am amazed at how enthused she is about her project. Most of the sawing she did with a hand saw. Other than helping her with the use and safety of power tools she is working on her own.
Taylor’s tree house is coming along nicely. He is now working on the second floor.
Jeannette has been busy canning produce from their garden as well as peaches she purchased. It is a win win situation for me as she has been sharing. Thank you Jeannette.
I had a pleasant surprise. Stephanie spent the night at my house last night. I very much enjoyed her visit.
. . . . . . so goes life !!