Sam is a projects man. Last month he was building a gaming computer which he successfully completed. Recently he built a potato launcher and has been shooting dinner off over the trees, which means , I suspect, some potato-less meals are being served at Pebble Creek these days. Although, their garden had produced lots of potatoes last summer so I could be wrong about those meals. That being said, I am starting to feel I have something in common with those launched potatoes. Just when I think things are going to quiet down I remember something else that is coming up. It has been a busy winter. Back in February a person dear to me was honored at a baby shower and I was pleased to be invited. Arife’s daughter, Beyyine and her husband Donavan, are expecting their first child in April. The shower was held at the Trout Lake Grange and was somewhat of a community event. Everyone had a great time.

Beyyine and Donavan were married two years ago and that was somewhat of a community event as well.

Lots of exciting snacks and plenty of Grandpa Mike’s delicious clam chowder.

We are past the mid-way point of Lent now. I finished the, “Book of Revelation,” and am reading a couple of small spiritual books for this special time of the year. Friday evenings I attend. “Stations of the Cross,” followed by a soup and bread dinner. I volunteered to provide the soup and bread with a friend Marsha for this coming Friday. I am a little stressed as I am not particularly clever at making a good meatless soup. Marsha is good at it so people won’t go completely hungry if my soup isn’t edible. As a follow up below are photos of Sophie’s bedroom now that she has a new floor. Your room looks beautiful, Sophie.

The Lindseth’s dog, Annie, has pretty much attached herself to Jason. Jason takes his Sunday nap and Annie waits for him to wake up. Finally she decides she might as well join him as it doesn’t seem he will be awake for some time.

On the days Teagan and Latah are at my house a typical scene is the girls doing their homework. Latah gets it done right away while Teagan likes to enjoy a cup of coffee and then roller blade in the basement first.

Latah joined DI again this year. Her little group of four performed for the school one afternoon so I attend. Last year they participated in the arts division but this year they selected science. Then off they went to the regional tournament in Richland, WA where they qualified for state. That tournament is coming up in a couple weeks.

Jason’s father-in-law is experiencing health problems and recently had brain surgery to eliminate fluid and pressure. Jeannette and the kids went over to visit them and help out a bit around the place. We are praying for the Anderson family daily.

Paul and Carolyn Anderson

Saturday I helped out at St Joseph’s Confirmation Retreat held at Henkle Middle School. There were around eighty young people involved. I left home at eight that morning and headed home at six thirty that evening. It was a long, busy, exciting day. Ten hours with 80 teenagers is an experience both exhilarating and exhausting. It was a spiritual day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions, Mass, talk sessions and interactive games. A professional retreat master arrived from Houston to conduct the festivities.

Piggy back game

Lots of us adults hung around helping out where we could. Fr Maag pictured here is a visiting priest. Fr Salomon left for a bit to to perform a Baptism at St Joseph’s.