May has been a busy month. Starting with the most important, “A Sacrament.” Sam was confirmed at St Mary’s of Vernonia. Jeremy is his sponsor and his family was there to share the joy of this great moment. Congratulations, Sam, on your Confirmation. There were four students confirmed and a big thank you goes to Jason who prepared these young people along the way.
After Mass there was a reception in honor of the four students who were confirmed. Later our family enjoyed an outdoor lunch at a local Vernonia restaurant. I, for one, had a very good time with family and acquaintance’s I have met before at St Mary’s. Most important, Sam seemed to enjoy his special day as well.
Although, not as important as a Confirmation, but something to celebrate, Sophie had a big moment too. She is now proud owner of her first car. Was she excited about it? You decide for yourself.
Very shortly after that, Mother’s Day arrived. We ladies celebrated. Heather treated us to a lovely Mexican dinner with margarita’s and the whole works, dessert and live music. We had a great time. Thank you Heather.
Latah enjoyed first year band playing the flute. They performed at Spring Band Concert last week.
A few other happy times include Teagan attending her first prom. Sam attending a middle school dance, and Yeah for Taylor. A couple of years ago Taylor’s motorcycle was stolen and finally he was able to replace it with a new one. Congratulations to Tay who has owned a motorcycle since he was in fifth grade and was feeling incomplete without one.
Last week I drove to Pebble Creek to hang out with the Lindseth’s for a few days. At one point I went with Sophie to watch her riding lesson and to help her clean horse stalls. Twice a week Sophie cleans 8 stalls and doing so is hard work. The day I went Sophie was running late as she had plans to join her friends in attending the high school play. I pitched in and helped by cleaning two of the stalls. That was quite a workout and I am proud of Sophie for taking on that responsibility.
Now you tell me, how and when did these kids grow up so fast? The past ten years have simply flown past.