Presently the weather is wet and cold, conducive for family fun indoors. Tuesday evening Dennis came by with a couple pizzas to share. After dinner Grandpa and the girls played “Candyland.” Although not a great event for Grandpa’s macho persona, they had a good time while Taylor enjoyed “Debbie Downer,” episodes on the computer.

The other Lindseth’s have been busy improving things. Sophie’s trying new hair styles and Jason and Jeannette have been busy putting up a gate Jason made for the new garden spot.

Taylor continues to relax after work enjoying interesting rocks he finds from time to time creating delightful art objects with them. He has a couple new ones.

Saving Best for Last
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and a time of the year I hold dear !

Keep those photos of Sophie. They will be worth gold in a few years.
Did he find rhose rocks?