As swiftly moving July eased into August life has slowed down for me becoming a time of minutiae: the small precise, or trivial details of something, such as the minutiae of everyday life, which in my case manifest itself in the form or re-arranging furniture. Before continuing that train of thought I want to share Sam and Sophie’s big week at Washington County Fair, the hottest week of the year. Although it was a miserable, hard week, it was a successful one as the kids set about preparing their 4-H pigs for auction.

Livestock is taken to the fair several days before auction and so the animals must be kept comfortable and secure. On auction day Sam’s turn came up earlier in the day but Sophie’s turn was 4th to the last so she had an exceptionally long day. I do not like heat, or crowds, so have never gone to the fair. Nana and Papa Anderson are good about going, however, and supporting the kids, as are Jeannette and Jason, of course.

The animals needed to be exercised every day but finally the time arrived for auction. Sam’s pig did well this year. It was purchased by a Les Schwab dealership who paid six dollars a pound equaling $1557.00. Sam approached the Les Schwab people thanking them for their support and presenting them with a certificate of appreciation. Good job Sam.

Finally, Sophie’s turn arrived and her pig did very well too being auctioned at ten dollars a pound equaling $2640.00. The man who bought Sophie’s animal then donated it to the local food bank.

Congratulations Sam and Sophie on the success of your hard work of raising 4-H pigs again this year. What a great experience all around.

The auction was not the end of things. The animal barns must be cleaned up and so back to work for Sophie and Sam. That’s one week that will not soon be forgotten by 4-H kids or their parents, a total commitment for everyone involved.

A good job well done.

In the mean time there’s Teagan, chalking to her hearts content at some street fair in the east. Well done, Teag’s. I can see you are having a great time creating your design.

It was my granddaughters who suggested it is time to change the living room furniture, a task of limited options because of the hexagon shape of the room. I finally got around to cleaning and rearranging the summer room, again limited options due to the size and shape of the room.

It was also time to clean the gutters on the house and deal with moss. In doing so, finding the soles of my boots slippery, I removed them as I need to reach over the edge of the roof at certain places and stocking feet were safer. That being done I found I destroyed the bottom of my socks which then needed to be mended.

We have had exceptional amounts of fuzz from the fir trees this year.
Periodically I need to destroy the moss on the roof.

I generally prepare home cooked meals for myself. I also dyed a favorite shirt of mine that had somehow gotten bleached on the back. I have never dyed anything before so that was interesting.

I have mentioned before that I love reading books about explorers. Often in these books I read quotes taken from John Wesley Powell. Well, I decided, it is time to quite reading quotes and read Powell’s book written by himself of the exploration of the Colorado River and its canyons. I love the book and am kept busy following the account of exploration on a map of my own. These early explorers were amazing in what they accomplished with very little equipment or contact with civilization such as explorers have today.

In 2018 a rescue mission was assembled in Thailand where a group of 12 young boys and their soccer coach were trapped in a system of underground caves that was flooding. If you remember that was big news at the time. Ron Howard has directed a movie called, “Thirteen Alive,” which tells the story of rescuing those trapped people. It is now showing on Prime video and is worth watching.

So goes my life these days. I am sure you don’t want to hear about replacing the button on my dress because, Teach, my cat, ate one of the buttons off. Some things are best left unexplored.